The Kennedy Forum's Don't Deny Me campaign website now features updated images and resources to help consumers and providers understand patient rights to equal insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment.
A recent report to Congress from the Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of the Treasury shows practices such as illegally denying insurance coverage for autism therapy, nutritionists for individuals with eating disorders, and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for those with opioid use disorder are indeed commonplace. That’s why it’s critical for everyone to understand what illegal denials look like, as well as the steps one can take to challenge such denials.
Visit to view a new printable flyer and updated graphics. Help us stop discrimination against those with mental health and addiction challenges. Share the campaign images and messaging on your preferred social media platform by clicking the links below:
(Note: When you click on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn below, a zip file containing the five images featured on the rotating banner at the top of this page will automatically download to your computer.)
Additionally, if you your organization would like to receive a monthly Don’t Deny Me social media toolkit containing timely messages and accompanying image/video files, email to sign up.
With the DOL calling on Congress to pass language allowing the Department to fine health plans for parity violations, and putting administrators on notice that federal regulators will be aggressively examining required parity analyses, change IS on the horizon. But only if advocates keep educating and empowering Americans with one unified voice.
Thank you for your support!